Recovery for the Revolution

Carolyn, who uses they/them pronouns, is a queer, non-binary Afro-Indigenous neurodivergent human in long-term recovery and believe recovery from a decolonized, anti-oppression lens can point the collective towards liberation. They are breathing fresh life into recovery and they are a powerhouse of wisdom, I’m really excited to see what comes next for Carolyn and Recovery For the Revolution. To contact Carolyn you can check out http://www.RecoveryForTheRevolution.Com. They offer coaching and advising services as well as a form to contact them to speak at an event or on a podcast and are working on offering more community and workshop spaces for the collective. 
And of course, don’t miss our live BRN Academy series the first Sunday of each month. Our guest teacher March 7th will be Rachel Lewis from Insight Meditation Society and Spirit rock.


🗺️ Need a meeting? 👉buddhistrecovery.org/meetings

The largest, up-to-date, comprehensive Buddhist recovery meeting list. Hundreds of meetings, various Buddhist programs. (Both Online & In-Person meetings.)

📺 Looking for a good Dharmatalk (on Recovery?) 👉buddhistrecovery.org/academy

Though Dharmatalks are aplenty, it’s rare to find ones that speak directly to our addictions. Fortunately, our Academy Teachers videos are available, anytime. Respected teachers share great tools and practices you can apply to your recovery.

🤲 Share the love + karma! Pay it forward 👉buddhistrecovery.org/donate

Enjoyed the podcast? Consider supporting the BRN Podcast to help reach suffering addicts who might not be able to afford it yet — just as others paid it forward for you.

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