Event Series BRN Online Meetings

BRN Online 8 Step Recovery Meeting

Buddhist Recovery Network is offering meetings every Wednesday of the month, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Pacific Time. Zoom Link The first Wednesday of every month will be a Recovery Dharma Meeting The second Wednesday of every month will be a Noble Steps Meeting The third Wednesday of every month will be a Sit-and-Share meeting The...

Event Series BRN Online Meetings

BRN Online Sit and Share Meeting

Buddhist Recovery Network is offering meetings every Wednesday of the month, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Pacific Time. Zoom Link The first Wednesday of every month will be a Recovery Dharma Meeting The second Wednesday of every month will be a Noble Steps Meeting The third Wednesday of every month will be a Sit-and-Share meeting The...

Event Series Kevin Griffin – Zoom Classes

Kevin Griffin – Zoom Classes

One hour Zoom classes, Tuesdays at 10am Pacific Time. Fridays at 5pm Pacific are now community classes with rotating leaders (except 2nd Fridays which are hosted by Spirit Rock). These classes are casual, drop-in events. We start with 20 minutes of guided meditation, followed by a short talk on Buddhism and recovery.  Offer dana through Paypal or Venmo.

Event Series BRN Online Meetings

BRN Online Recovery Dharma Meeting

Buddhist Recovery Network is offering meetings every Wednesday of the month, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Pacific Time. Zoom Link The first wednesday of every month will be a Recovery Dharma Meeting The second wednesday of every month will be a Noble Steps Meeting The third wednesday of every month will be a Sit-and-Share meeting The...

April Teaching with Venerable Clear Grace Dayananda

BRN Academy

Meditation and Dharma Talk with time for Q & A The zoom link to this Academy event is:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88942155730?pwd=Q3dBMkRCUTZKZ0NOUjY4ODk1Mnozdz09 Meeting ID: 889 4215 5730 Passcode: 110088

Event Series Kevin Griffin – Zoom Classes

Kevin Griffin – Zoom Classes

One hour Zoom classes, Tuesdays at 10am Pacific Time. Fridays at 5pm Pacific are now community classes with rotating leaders (except 2nd Fridays which are hosted by Spirit Rock). These classes are casual, drop-in events. We start with 20 minutes of guided meditation, followed by a short talk on Buddhism and recovery.  Offer dana through Paypal or Venmo.

Event Series BRN Online Meetings

BRN Online Noble Steps Meeting

Buddhist Recovery Network is offering meetings every Wednesday of the month, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Pacific Time. Zoom Link The first Wednesday of every month will be a Recovery Dharma Meeting The second Wednesday of every month will be a Noble Steps Meeting The third Wednesday of every month will be a Sit-and-Share meeting The...

Joys & Sorrows of Addictions & Recovery with Shannon Smith

Life can be challenging for all of us and finding the resources to live well isn’t always obvious . Our inability to do so often manifests in some form of addictive behavior; attempts to avoid, change, or control our painful experiences that we encounter haunt too many women. Various forms of addiction recovery have been...

Event Series Kevin Griffin – Zoom Classes

Kevin Griffin – Zoom Classes

One hour Zoom classes, Tuesdays at 10am Pacific Time. Fridays at 5pm Pacific are now community classes with rotating leaders (except 2nd Fridays which are hosted by Spirit Rock). These classes are casual, drop-in events. We start with 20 minutes of guided meditation, followed by a short talk on Buddhism and recovery.  Offer dana through Paypal or Venmo.