Books and Media Reviews

The Zen of Recovery

Chapter headings: Thanks Preface Yet another finger pointing at the moon: An Introduction Foundations: The Finger Hi! My name is… What is Zen? What is Recovery? The Zen of Recovery: An Interpretation of the Twelve Steps The Zen of Recovery Heart Sutra Reflections: The Pointing You are enlightened already You are dead already This world is dream enough The…

The Twelve Steps as a Path to Enlightenment — How the Buddha Works the Steps

Contents: Pledge to compose the work Acknowledgements Introduction Background Overview A twelve step guide for the buddhist A world view for spiritual seekers that believe there is no god A “lam rim” for westerners Step one What lies ahead Our ambitious goal Who is the buddha? What is enlightenment? The awakened state Our first realization…

The Thirst for Wholeness: Attachment, Addiction, and the Spiritual Path

Chapter headings: Introduction The Thirst for Wholeness The Craving Behind Addiction The Self and Wholeness Walking in the Desert Alienation, Abuse, and the Human Experience How do we Survive? The Dark Night of Addiction Surrendering and Being Surrendered Addiction and Attachment Healing and the path to the self The Promise of Healing and Spiritual Maturity…

The Tao of Sobriety: Helping You to Recover from Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Chapter headings: Foreword Chapter 1: Introduction(A word about twelve-step programs; what is the Tao?) Chapter 2: Alcohol, drugs and you(Discovery 1: innocence in spirit; Aaron’s story; reality-altering substances; more gain than pain; beyond alcohol and drugs) Chapter 3: I think, therefore I am(Odd insights about us; Who’s the boss?; Journeying deeper into being; A practical…

The Reality Between: A Buddhist Approach to Addiction, Grief, and Psychotherapy

Chapter headings: Preface Introduction Our flight from the truth of impermanence The rise of grief models Using grief stages in individual psychotherapy Using grief stages in group psychotherapy Using grief stages in addiction treatment A lecture on grief anniversaries What the 12 Steps say about grief On beyond the grief stages Existential therapy Collapsing the…

The Narrow Way: A Memoir Of Coming Out, Getting Clean and Finding Buddha

Contents: Prologue Chapter 1 Apogee Chapter 2 First Love Chapter 3 Homecoming Chapter 4 Diagnosis Chapter 5 Silence Chapter 6 First Love Revisited Chapter 7 True Believers Chapter 8 The Teachings Chapter 9 Wandering Chapter 10 California Chapter 11 Suicide Chapter 12 Meth Chapter 13 The Smile Chapter 14 Clean Chapter 15 A Winding Road…