• Meeting Information

    Monday, to 8:30 pm

    • In-person

    • English

    This weekly meeting is open to people with any addiction, seeking recovery or in support of anyone seeking recovery. Honoring the traditions of anonymity in other recovery programs and to protect the privacy of our members, we use only our first names at this meeting.

    Hybrid In-person and Zoom format

    Text 567343131nine for the zoom link

    With respect for the worth and dignity of each person, all are welcome here. We respect all forms of meditation, however during the meditation period, we ask that everyone be quiet and still out of respect for the practice.

    The purpose of this meeting is to strengthen our meditation practice by communal effort and thereby strengthen our recovery program. Our meeting includes time for prayer or intention setting, meditation and discussion. Our discussion period offers us a chance to share openly about our experiences with meditation and recovery. For those new to meditation, beginning instruction will be offered.


  • Buddhist Temple of Toledo

    3902 Emmajean Rd
    Toledo, OH 43607

  • Contact Information

    buddhisttempleoftoledo.org seshzue@gmail.com
  • Updated September 22, 2024