• Meeting Information

    Sunday, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

    • In-person
    • Online

    • English
    • Noble Steps
    • Online

    Welcome to the Noble Steps. The purpose of this group is to support those who want to integrate Buddhist teachings and practices into their recovery from any addiction. We are open to people of all backgrounds and recovery paths, including, but not limited to all 12 Step programs.

    We encourage the use of mindfulness and meditation and are grounded in Buddhist principles including the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, non-harming, compassion, and interdependence. While not affiliated with any 12-Step group, we do follow the 12-Step traditions of confidentiality and no cross talk between participants.

    This Group is peer led.  We ask all who attend to respect and study Buddhist teachings, recovery techniques and be willing to share their experience, strength and hope with the group.

    Currently reading Recovering Joy by Kevin Griffin

    Meeting format (90 minutes):

    Opening introductions
    20-30 minute meditation
    10-15 minute group reading from a book on Buddhism and recovery.  The group rotates books throughout the year.
    20-30 minute discussion on the reading
    Closing announcements/ritual

    Our Meeting Password For All NJ Meetings​ is 306678

  • Online Meeting

    Join with Zoom
  • Hybrid (In-Person & Online) - Shakti Yoga and Living Arts

    1861 Springfield Ave
    Maplewood, NJ 07040

  • Contact Information

    thenoblesteps.com thenoblesteps@gmail.com
  • Updated March 2, 2025