• Meeting Information

    Monday, to 8:30 pm

    • In-person
    • Online

    • Language - English
    • Recovery Dharma

    Hybrid. 2650 Ridge Ave., Room 5413 Evanston, IL Leave yourself 5 minutes to get to the meeting room. Enter at main hospital entrance, take a right turn and walk down the corridor to Elevator F. Take that to 5th floor. Exit the elevator at 5th floor, follow the hallway to the left/follow signs to Chapman Center. UPDATE: Please check back frequently for updates to our meeting directory and email rdevanston@gmail.com with your questions. Thank you! You are invited to share a reading or meditation by submitting it to either Chris or Craig at the emails below at least the Thursday before the meeting. We will leave phones open for the first few minutes of the meeting if you need last minute directions. The contacts/facilitators are: Chris: phone 312-618-1520 ; email morganca@gmail.com. Craig: phone 312-969-0404 ; email dcledford@aol.com.

  • Online Meeting

    Join with Zoom
  • Evanston Hospital

    2650 Ridge Ave #5413
    Evanston, IL 60201


  • Contact Information

    recoverydharma.org rdevanston@gmail.com
  • Updated September 22, 2024