Meetings in Boston, MA

All RegionsMassachusetts ⇒ Boston, MA

RD Eastern Mass Online
Tuesday 7:00 PM
Types: Language - English, Recovery Dharma, Online, Online Meeting
Boston, MA, USA
RD Eastern Mass Online
Tuesday 7:00 PM
Types: Language - English, Recovery Dharma, Online, Online Meeting
Boston, MA, USA
RD East Boston
Thursday 6:00 PM
Types: Language - English, Recovery Dharma
979 Bennington St, East Boston, MA 02128, USA
Refuge Recovery On The Harbor – East Boston – Friday 7pm
Friday 7:00 PM
Types: English, Open, Refuge Recovery
983 Bennington St, Boston, MA 02128, USA

Our disclaimer!

While the Buddhist Recovery Network will attempt to vet the meetings listed, we cannot officially endorse any meeting, and encourage you to conduct your own due diligence to determine its suitability for your needs. The meetings are potentially a great source of additional support. Whether a meeting is appropriate for your needs, or whether it has the potential to become a key source of support, is a decision only you can make. Please also note that meeting participants or facilitators do not have the authority to speak on behalf of the Buddhist Recovery Network. If you have a negative experience at a meeting, which was related to the way the meeting was conducted, please contact us.