Some of us travel this “triple” path, and we want you to know that you are not alone —it can be done! There are resources for parents of young children in both Buddhist and Recovery communities.

As parents in Buddhist Recovery we have faced some challenges:

• Getting childcare so we can attend both Buddhist and Recovery meetings/events/retreats
• Guilt that time spent on dharma/recovery activities detracts from our parenting time
• Urgency that we have to recover NOW so that we can become better parents
• Isolation from other parents and from Buddhist & Recovery activities
• Exhaustion
• Lack of family support
• Wondering how to explain our path to our children


Online Articles

Shambala Family Retreats and Rites of Passage for 8-12 year olds

  • Shambhala Family Retreats  (Colorado, Shambhala Mountain Center) 
  • Karme Choling  (Vermont, Shambala), 
  • Dechen Choling  (France, Shambala)
  • Shambhala Sun Camp  is an outdoor, sleep-away summer camp for children ages 10-16.
  • Youth programs are also offered at Dorje Denma Ling (Nova Scotia)) and certain Shambhala Regional Centers
  • Enlightened Society Assembly and other Shambhala “city retreat” programs are now starting to provide concurrent children’s programming and childcare (San Francisco, etc.)

Oregon Resources

Inward Bound Mindfulness Education

  • iBme  offers mindfulness programming for youth and the parents and professionals who support them, guiding teens and young adults in developing self-awareness, compassion, and ethical decision making, and empowers them to apply these skills in improving their lives and communities.


Narcotics Anonymous Pamphlets

Please help us make this list more complete by sharing your information

Sharing Your Information

We appreciate your help finding the best resources to help ease the suffering of other parents.

We respectfully ask that you submit resources which are on topic with:

  • • Buddhism and Parenting
  • • Recovery and Parenting

If you know of a resource which could help please email

Also contact us if you are interested in:

  • Helping parents who are concerned about their child’s addictive behavior(s)
  • Joining us as we build out these resources