Living Kindness: Metta Practice for the Whole of Our Lives

Through stories from the ancient Pali canon of Buddhism and personal reflections on modern life, Dharma teacher Kevin Griffin reveals the richness and multifaceted nature of loving-kindness or metta on the Buddhist path. Along with the other brahmaviharas or “divine abodes” of compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, the practice of loving-kindness is not only a meditation technique—it’s…

Buddhism & the Twelve Steps Daily Reflections: Thoughts on Dharma and Recovery

Buddhism & the Twelve Steps Daily Reflections offers teachings for every day of the year to support your recovery. Daily reflection is at the heart of both Buddhist practice and Twelve Step programs. With the Buddhist emphasis on staying in the present moment and the Twelve Step admonition to take things “one day at a…

One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps

Chapter headings: Preface Introduction Part One: Surrender(Step One; Meditation Exercise: Vipassana; Step Two; Step Three) Part Two: Investigation and responsibility(Step Four; Meditation exercise: noting the hindrances; Step Five; Step Six; Step Seven; Step Eight; Step Nine) Part Three: Fulfillment(Step Ten; Step Eleven; Meditation exercise: cultivating the wholesome: mudita and karuna; Step Twelve; Back to Step…

Buddhism and the Twelve Steps: A Recovery Workbook for Individuals and Groups

Chapter headings: Dedication Preface Introduction The Way of Mindfulness and Recovery PART ONE: SURRENDER For the Newcomer Step One Step Two Step Three PART TWO: INVESTIGATION AND RESPONSIBILITY Step Four Step Five Step Six Step Seven Step Eight Step Nine PART THREE: FULFILLMENT Step Ten Step Eleven Step Twelve Appendix A: Buddhist Recovery Meetings Appendix…