As students of the Dharma and members of this community, we are committed to living in alignment with Buddhist ethical principles and fostering a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all practitioners. We understand that our behavior affects not only our own spiritual development but also the well-being of the entire community. In this spirit, we commit to the following guidelines that include all the elements of the Five Universal Precepts which are the gifts of fearlessness that we offer to ourselves and others.

1. Non-harm (Ahimsa)

  • I commit to practicing compassion and kindness, avoiding causing harm to myself or others, whether through my actions, speech, or thoughts.
  • I will act with care and consideration toward all beings, including respecting the environment and the life it supports.

2. Truthfulness (Sacca)

  • I will practice honesty in my speech and actions, avoiding falsehoods, exaggeration, gossip, or divisive speech.
  • I will strive for clarity and transparency in my communication, especially when discussing sensitive or personal matters.

3. Sexual Ethics

  • I will maintain healthy, respectful boundaries in my relationships within the community.
  • I will avoid engaging in any sexual misconduct or exploiting the trust and vulnerability of others, recognizing that spiritual relationships require deep care and respect.

4. Property and Financial Integrity

  • I will respect the property of others by not taking anything that has not been freely offered.
  • I will act with integrity in matters involving financial contributions or use of communal resources.
  • I will support the community with generosity, but will also remain aware of how my contributions are used, striving for fairness and transparency.

5. Respect for Boundaries

  • I will respect the personal and professional boundaries of teachers, fellow students, and other members of the community.
  • I will be mindful of power dynamics and avoid any form of manipulation or coercion, honoring each person’s autonomy and dignity.

6. Accountability

  • I will take responsibility for my actions and be open to feedback if I unintentionally cause harm.
  • If I experience or witness unethical behavior, I will use the appropriate channels within the community to address the issue constructively and compassionately.

7. Avoiding Intoxicants

  • I will refrain from using intoxicants that cloud my mindfulness and hinder my spiritual practice, recognizing that clear awareness is essential for ethical conduct and spiritual growth.

8. Respect for the Community (Sangha)

  • I will contribute to creating a harmonious and inclusive community by practicing patience, forgiveness, and understanding.
  • I will respect all members of the Sangha, regardless of their background, abilities, or position, fostering a supportive environment for all to practice.

9. Commitment to Learning and Practice

  • I will approach the teachings with sincerity, dedication, and an open heart.
  • I will actively engage in my own practice, seeking to deepen my understanding of the Dharma and to support others on their spiritual path.

10. Confidentiality and Privacy

  • I will maintain confidentiality around personal or sensitive information shared within the community.
  • I will respect the privacy of others and refrain from sharing stories or details about others’ experiences without their consent.

11. Avoiding Exploitation of Power

  • I will be mindful of the dynamics of power within relationships and avoid exploiting any position of authority or influence for personal gain.
  • I will foster relationships based on equality, respect, and mutual support, particularly in spiritual and mentoring contexts.

By following these guidelines, I commit to upholding the values of the Dharma and fostering an ethical and mindful community. I understand that this code is not just a set of rules but are ’gifts’ I offer freely to create a fearless community. They are a path of practice to cultivate compassion, wisdom, and integrity in my interactions with others and in my own spiritual life.

This Code of Conduct for Students serves as a foundational set of ethical principles to help students embody Buddhist teachings in their daily lives and interactions within the community.