
The BRN Academy is a new incarnation of the former Healing and Insight Teaching Faculty, co-founded by Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John and Giles Collins. The Academy has invited some of the leading teachers in the field of Buddhist recovery. On the first Sunday of every month for an hour each teacher will explore the sharp edges of suffering through the lens of the Buddhist Teachings.

The Academy brings together teachers from different Buddhist lineages and approaches. Themes like addiction, alcoholism, depression, stinking thinking and compulsive behaviours will be explored.

Up Next in the Academy

    Buddhist Recovery Academy

    Proudly Presents  

    Topic of the teaching:
    April Teaching with Venerable Clear Grace Dayananda
    April 6th @ 10am PST in Zoom

Join the Teaching
Meeting ID: 889 4215 5730 and passcode: 110088

Upcoming Academy Teachings

April Teaching with Venerable Clear Grace Dayananda
Meditation and Dharma Talk with time for Q & A The zoom link to this Academy event is:https://us...
May Teaching with Kevin Griffin
Meditation and Dharma Talk with time for Q & A The zoom link to this Academy event is:https://us...
June Teaching with Mary Stancavage
Meditation and Dharma Talk with time for Q & A The zoom link to this Academy event is:https://us...
“I was looking for something a little different than what was being offered in traditional recovery spaces, and the Buddhist Recovery Network helped me find a path and join a community that feels more “me”. Sending my sincere gratitude to the BRN for making important connections.”
“Peter” from California

BRN Podcasts

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