The Buddhist Recovery Network Podcasts are a medium through which the BRN is sharing recovery wisdom and Dharma.

Podcasts are comprised of both BRN academy talks from some of the leading teachers in the field of Buddhist recovery, as well as original programming with themes like addiction, alcoholism, gratitude, joy, race, gender, and compulsive behaviours.

We have many exciting projects lined up including a series of conversations between Vimalasara, BRN President, and other leaders in Buddhist Recovery.

Listen at your leisure to any of the podcasts below, just click on the podcast title.

Or tune in using one of the links below and be sure to click subscribe to catch upcoming offerings from the Buddhist Recovery Network Podcast!

#25 – Leaving Against the Stream, Hallucinogens & the Brahma Viharas

Gary Sanders and Vimalasara speak about Gary’s choice to leave Against the Stream and Refuge Recovery, using Hallucinogens in addiction recovery & the importance of the Brahma Viharas. _____________________________________ 🗺️ Need a meeting? 👉 The largest, up-to-date, comprehensive Buddhist recovery meeting list. Hundreds of meetings, various Buddhist programs. (Both Online & In-Person meetings.) 📺 Looking…

#24 – Awareness Is the Key

Joan has had personal experience with alcohol addiction, a fingerbiting compulsion (classified as an impulse-control disorder), compulsive thinking, and depression. She does not believe there is one recovery model that fits everyone, and she encourages people to find what works for them. What she offers is an approach rooted in open awareness – giving nonjudgmental…

#23 – Recovery Dharma

Amy Reed is an Asheville, NC based writer. She got sober in Oakland, CA in 2008 in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and dabbled a little in Buddhism via Kevin Griffin and Spirit Rock. When she moved to Asheville with her family in 2014, she found herself drifting away from 12-steps and struggled to find…

#22 – Living an Authentic Life

Living an Authentic Life A life free from craving, addictions and compulsions isn’t just about avoiding intoxicants, it invites the opportunity to live a full and authentic life with creativity and joy. This isn’t just a possibility. Research suggests that although people in recovery from substance misuse often suffer more in the first year, in…

#21 – Trauma, Addiction & Self-Regulation

Trauma, whether connected to early childhood, an event as an adult or to social oppression, changes our nervous system, our physiological responses to life and impacts our self image, relational capacities, perception and self regulatory abilities. It is, in my view, a core underlying cause for the arising of addiction patterns. Looking through the trauma…

#20 – Sexual Misconduct in Spiritual Communities

This episode features a conversation between Vimalasara and Sue Neufeld-Ellis covering the topic of sexual misconduct in spiritual communities and creating safer spaces. _____________________________________ 🗺️ Need a meeting? 👉 The largest, up-to-date, comprehensive Buddhist recovery meeting list. Hundreds of meetings, various Buddhist programs. (Both Online & In-Person meetings.) 📺 Looking for a good Dharmatalk (on…