April Teaching with Venerable Clear Grace Dayananda

BRN Academy

Meditation and Dharma Talk with time for Q & A The zoom link to this Academy event is:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88942155730?pwd=Q3dBMkRCUTZKZ0NOUjY4ODk1Mnozdz09 Meeting ID: 889 4215 5730 Passcode: 110088

May Teaching with Kevin Griffin

BRN Academy

Meditation and Dharma Talk with time for Q & A The zoom link to this Academy event is:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88942155730?pwd=Q3dBMkRCUTZKZ0NOUjY4ODk1Mnozdz09 Meeting ID: 889 4215 5730 Passcode: 110088

June Teaching with Mary Stancavage

BRN Academy

Meditation and Dharma Talk with time for Q & A The zoom link to this Academy event is:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88942155730?pwd=Q3dBMkRCUTZKZ0NOUjY4ODk1Mnozdz09 Meeting ID: 889 4215 5730 Passcode: 110088