Gratitude Turns What We Have Into Enough and More

BRN Academy

“Recovery and gratitude seem to go hand in hand. In the heat of our addictions, whether substance or process, we all tend to really focus on the hardships of our lives, our trials and tribulations and get stuck in the old comparison game, comparing our insides to others outsides, a line heard frequently in 12...

Emotional Sobriety: Comfortable in Your Own Skin

BRN Academy

Facebook Event Link:</p>Gary Sanders lives in Portland, OR. He is originally from the Los Angeles area, where he was the founder of SCV Mindfulness and led up to three weekly meditation groups for over 5 years. He was empowered to lead Buddhist meditation and dharma groups at Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society. He helped,...

Forgiveness on the Path to Recovery

BRN Academy

So many of us come into sobriety with a really poor relationship with ourselves and so heavily burdened with resentments towards ourselves and others. By practicing forgiveness, not in a theistic Christian outside ourselves way, but as self empowering and self healing way to start to let go, to change our relationship with, and to...

Gary Sanders – Just assume the answer to every question is compassion "Just assume the answer to every question is compassion” - Father Greg Boyle in his book Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion In Buddhism, compassion is the appropriate response to pain and whether we are new to sobriety and suffering the special kind of newcomer pain, or in long term recovery...