Books and Media Reviews

Brain Lock: Free yourself from Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour

Note: This title is included on this website because: there is an overlap between sufferers of OCD and alcoholism (which is clear from some of the stories in this book); it introduces Buddhist mindfulness practice to dealing with our obsessions and compulsions; it provides an important, contrasting perspective to books on compulsions like Mary O’Malley’s….

A Path With Heart: The classic guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life

Chapter headings: Part I – A Path with Heart: The Fundamentals A Beginning 1. Did I Love Well? 2. Stopping the War 3. Take the One Seat 4. Necessary Healing 5. Training the Puppy: Mindfulness of Breathing Part II – Promises and Perils 6. Turning Straw into Gold 7. Naming the Demons 8. Difficult Problems…

12 Step Audio Lectures

Written preface on the website from Judith Ragir: “These lectures were recorded at Minnesota Zen Meditation Center in an effort to bring together 12-Step recovery work, Buddhism and meditation. My mission, as stated often in the lectures or at the beginning of the meeting is: (1) To help people understand how to meditate, encourage daily…