Silasiri engaged with the Buddhist Recovery Network in early 2018 as it launched its maiden year of Academy talks, and greatly enjoyed co-hosting this monthly program through 2021. By way of meditation, Dharma study and a beautiful and supportive Sangha, she moved into recovery from childhood trauma, substance abuse, and self-loathing, and continues to deepen her understanding of compassionate healing as taught by the Buddha and shared by the recovery community. A long-time peace and environmental activist and animal lover, Silasiri lives in New Orleans, LA, and was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Movement in May 2021.  She’s an accounting manager for nonprofits, and currently serves as the BRN’s Board President and Interim Treasurer. She supports Dharma study, anti-racism work, and Eco-Sattva training within her Sangha and in the community at large, and embraces the dana economy for all the freely given resources that it circulates among us.

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Committing to Change

August 6, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT
BRN Academy

A Place Between: What’s Along the Middle Way?

November 6, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am PST
BRN Academy

The Buddha revealed to us an eight-fold path as a way to work with and move beyond suffering, a way to be in recovery from the three poisons in all their many forms.  How do we embrace this middle way of being with curiosity, awareness and engag...

Meditation | Practice for Challenging Times

June 7, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT
BRN Academy

We will offer a meditation and an opportunity to be together in Sangha, with an emphasis on sustaining practice in these challenging times. Please join us this Sunday, June 7th, led by Robin Smith.