Rachel Lewis started meditating while completing her physics PhD at Yale. She has spent over 500 nights on silent retreat since 2003, including two three-month retreats. Her meditation training includes Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioners Program and Community Dharma Leaders program, and she is currently a trainee in the IMS retreat teacher training program, which involves apprenticing with Joseph Goldstein and other IMS teachers to teach retreats. She is also currently training as a practitioner of Indigenous Focussing-Oriented Therapy, a trauma therapy modality informed by an understanding of collective as well as individual suffering. Since 2010 she has taught classes and retreats in BC, including at a prison and in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. She has also developed a songbook of Buddhist music including her own choral arrangements of traditional chants. Her specialty is making profound teachings accessible through humour and story-telling. Listen to one of her dharma talks here: https://www.audiodharma.org/teacher/349/
Previous Teachings
Showing Up for Life As It Is
So much of our lives can be driven by unconscious reactivity: the endless struggle to avoid painful or negative feelings. With mindfulness meditation, we can develop the skill of patience...
All Academy Teachers
- Anshin Devin Ashwood
- Carol Cano
- Caroline Brazier
- Caverly Morgan
- Dave Smith
- Eddie LeShure
- Fresh “Lev” White
- Gary Sanders
- Gaylon Ferguson
- George Johns
- Joan Tollifson
- Kaira Jewel Lingo
- Kara Haney
- Kate Johnston
- Kevin Griffin
- Laura Burges
- Loch Kelly
- Martine Batchelor
- Mary Stancavage
- Myokei Caine-Barrett
- Pablo Das
- Ralph Steele
- Rev. Christie Bates (Acharya Passatininna)
- Ruth King
- Silasiri
- Steven Tierney, Ed.D.
- Thomas Tran
- Tuere Sala
- Vanessa Wang
- Ven Pannavati Bhikkhuni
- Ven. Dr. Pannavati
- Vimalasara Mason-John
- Vince Cullen
- Walt Opie